Fuerteventura Surf Video
For your Fuerteventura Surf Video contact us immediately and book your session now +34633168995.
Enjoy surfing in Fuerteventura, European surfer's paradise! with Fuerteventura TV you can have your own exclusive video while surfing Fuerteventura's epic waves.
Fuertevenetura TV will film your best surf moments here in the beautiful island of Fuerteventura. Two camera-man will film the action from different perspective enhancing both IN & OUT water shots.
Starting from only 35€ you can have a gorgeous surf video, be the protagonist of a pro-like surf video!
Are you a beginner? show your friend how you can dominate a Fuerteventura's world famous surf spot!
Are you an advanced surfer? Get now your own video, this is the best way to improve your surfing by watching your position on the
board and correct your turns and curves.
Contact Fuerteventura TV now and book your surf video session!
What are you waiting for? Call now +34633168995 to book your Fuerteventura Surf Video or contact us!
1 PERS- 60 €
2 PERS- 50 € / P.P.
GROUP (3 persone) - 40 € / P.P.
GROUP (4 + persone) - 35 € / P.P.
here u got a video made with Line Up Surf School, dont' lose your experience make a Fuerteventura surf video with us!